Character Name

Name: Emalion (Name)
Nickname: Emma
Species: Human
Height: 5ft 6


Filler Text


Emma is a trainee doctor from the Kingdom of Mahlandor. Her parents themselves were doctors, and she began some basic training from an early age.
As a teenager, she found she was a mage. ... In a country that forces most mages into its military, and doesn't accept women into the military at all. While the Pharmaceutical Guild of Mahlandor has the sole exception to this, they're still prohibited from teaching women magic by law.
Not long after Emmas powers manifested, the Guild sent her to complete her training under a mage doctor living in the Capital.
While Emma has control over her abilities, and can do some healing with them, she rarely gets a chance to use them.
In her early 20s, Emma is nearing the end of her training period, and is beginning to prepare for her final tests.
.... A slight distraction occurs when a mysterious man is dragged unconscious into the clinic she works at. And she discovers he'd not only escaped from prison for a crime he most certainly did not commit... on account of not being Mahlandorian.
Emma, unintentionally, ends up being roped into a plot to replace the current king with someone less apathetic to the common person.


Most people would describe Emma as someone always cheerful, eager to help and would bend over backwards for you. But really.... most people just haven't met Emma outside of her job.
Of course she has Perfect Customer Service face, thats what people expect out of their doctor. The clinic is also where she spends the majority of her time, because medicine is an extremely broad topic and theres a lot of things to study.
Outside of the clinic, shes a bit shorter with people, more snarky, and definitely more sarcastic. She does still care for people - quite keenly, in fact. But her patience is worn thin by keeping the Customer Service Face on for so long.
She wants people to be living better lives than they are, and the suffering people experience (while she herself has got along Just Fine in life) pains her to see..... but she also isn't afraid to tell you if your ideas Just Plain Suck.


I keep Emmas clothing very traditionally medieval. Simple linen dresses are a staple.
These are.... not exactly the most visually interesting outfits.
Being a doctor, shes got a lot more disposable income than a lot of the peasantry of Mahlandor, so she can afford slightly nicer dyes and embellishments on her outfits (that she didnt sew herself). But she also works in a job with a lot of ways to ruin a nice dress... so simple is better.
LARP stores like Armstreet tend to be my favourite resources for these kind of things.
