An Extremely Unprofessional Website

This website acts as an reference point for my OCs, world, story and other concepts.

I tend to have very little motivation to work on this kind of stuff on a regular day to day basis, so its highly likely this page will never be "completed". As such, I feel the following is Essential:

Anything written in [] is a temporary name that is supposed to change (at some point). 
Certain information is likely to be missing until I can be bothered to make it. 
Any pronunciation guide is not actual proper phonetics, its just me going "kinda sounds like this!"
If i've mentioned something very Earth-oriented (Such as describing a character as "Asian", in a world where Asia doesn't exist), its simply to make it easier to understand from an Earth-perspective. Especially as 99% of locations don't have a name.
There are pages that are going to be visible that say its a "placeholder". This just means there IS information on them, its just Commented out. Its the only way I could really think to make stuff truly until i thought it was ready to make public.

The information i've provided is meant to be up to the start of the respective stories.
Neither of those stories has a name right now- so they're just 1 and 2. Sorry. 

17/11/23 - Finished moving over all information from the old WIP site. Most character pages aren't actually set up yet, but I dont feel like i need 20 odd placeholder pages.